1975 Hempstead Turnpike Suite 403
East Meadow, NY 11554



November 30th, 2020
Chiropractic and your health

As expected, Thanksgiving looks to bring a new wave of COVID cases and there is much concern over the upcoming holiday season. Those who chose to limit their exposure to friends and family, a very difficult choice indeed, will ultimately reap the benefits of that choice, per Dr. Anthony Fauci. We will need to be […]

Chiropractic and “The Force”

October 28th, 2020
Chiropractic and your health

Does your day feel like this: (btw, not my idea. A patient said this to me on Saturday!) AND “THE FORCE”As a young, arrogant, 23 year old, I started Chiropractic school and was dismissive about “Universal Intelligence” and our individual “Innate Intelligence.”40 years later I have the greatest respect for the tremendous healing potential of […]

Fatigue and Chiropractic

October 6th, 2020
Chiropractic and your health

F Have you noticed lately that the first response to the question, “How are you?” is typically, “I’m tired.” There is a general feeling of fatigue, weariness, and even resignation in our minds and bodies, no doubt a confluence of COVID-19, increased polarization of ideologies, melding with our already busy lives. As Billy Joel wrote: […]


August 31st, 2020
Chiropractic and your health

DO YOU HAVE: Headches Muscle cramps Fatigue Confusion, dizziness, lightheadedness Dark colored urine You may be dehydrated! Statistics reveal that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. And here is another fact…you are dehydrated BEFORE you even feel thirst. “But I don’t exercise, I don’t sweat, how can I be dehydrated? YOU’RE BREATHING! When I teach […]

“Respect, Honesty and Consideration” and your health

August 24th, 2020
Chiropractic and your health

In today’s Smarter Living from the New York Times, the focus was on email greetings and how “generic, surface-level greetings have actually harmed our relationships and our dealings with people.” Research has shown that how we treat and are treated by other people has a great impact on our health, both physically and emotionally. And […]

Stress, Breathing, Chiropractic…all connected

August 10th, 2020
Chiropractic and your health

We are all experiencing crazy amounts of stress, overwhelming stress, panic inducing stress, going out of our collective minds stress. Need I keep going? 😊 What we don’t realize is that our breathing becomes faster, shallower, and leads to: Shortness of breath Tightness in the chest Increased heart rate Increased blood pressure Headaches Lightheadedness HERE’S […]

Doctor/Patient Collaboration

August 3rd, 2020
Chiropractic and your health

Collaboration: Doctor and patient working together There is, unfortunately, a lack of collaboration between doctor and patient which has led to the following exchange: Doctor – Please don’t confuse your Google search with my medical degree and 20 years of experience. Patient – Please don’t confuse the 1-hour lecture you had on my condition with […]

Short Leg Syndrome

Short Leg Syndrome (a fancy way of saying one leg is shorter than the other!) By now, you have all had the experience of me telling you that one leg is shorter than the other, as an indication of why you have lower back pain. In fact, many patients, when I do a leg length […]

Pulse Oximetry, what is it, why is it important

What is a pulse oximeter? It is a small electronic device that measures the saturation of oxygen in the blood. Normal is 95% to 100-%. Under 92% is cause for concern and may require supplementary oxygen. You put your finger into the device (you won’t feel a thing!) and a few seconds later you have […]

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