1975 Hempstead Turnpike Suite 403
East Meadow, NY 11554



How To Combat Anxiety and Other Negative Thoughts

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There are Things You Need to Do, But Don’t Really Want to Do Them….
Do it anyway! Just think of the reward not the action.
You don’t really want to go to work, but you need to do it anyway. Reward? That’s how you pay your bills and have money for the things you like to do.
You don’t want to exercise and eat healthy, but you need to do it anyway. Reward? That’s how you keep or achieve the health you need to enjoy Life.
You don’t want to engage with difficult people, but you need to do it anyway, especially if it’s your boss or significant other! Reward? You get to express your feelings and hopefully come to an understanding, which then makes Life a bit easier.
And, yes, I totally understand that there are times when you don’t feel like taking the time and spending the money to get a Chiropractic adjustment. Reward? Less or no pain and prevention of the original condition from returning.

How To Accomplish This
One of my favorite bloggers is Eric Barker. He has encouraged his readers to share his blog posts. Here are some of his thoughts:

1. Ask yourself, “What do I get from all of this?” Then consider ALL of the feelings. An example is “yes, cookies taste good. Does the regret and the stomachache add to the flavor?” The “full reward value” needs to encompass ALL the feelings, both good and bad.
“Are you saying that the emotional reward of drinking an entire case of beer must include the subsequent hangover and soul-crushing shame?”

Yes, that is what I am saying.


2. YOU are not anxious! There are anxious feelings present and THEY ARE NOT YOU.

3. Practice mindfulness by using his mantra, “Hmmmm.” As he writes, “You are not your thoughts and feelings. Observe them. Get curious. The urge will fade. (Don’t you roll your eyes at me. It will.)
He ends with this maxim:
Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become actions. Watch your actions. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Watch your character. It becomes your destiny.
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