1975 Hempstead Turnpike Suite 403
East Meadow, NY 11554



Why is it so difficult to exercise and what to do about it in 7, 3, or even 1 minute

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Why is it so difficult to exercise? And what to do about it!


For even the most dedicated, the word “exercise” causes us to echo very familiar words:


“I know I should but….


Top three answers…and the survey says:


“I don’t have time.”

“I don’t feel like it.”

“I’m lazy.”


No one will dispute that exercise is important. I could bore you to tears with facts and studies, with the same result:


It ain’t happening!


Exercise is really mind over matter and, if you go by the old baseball pitcher, Satchel Paige, “if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”


Mark Twain added to that saying, “every time I feel the urge to exercise, I lay down until the urge goes away!”


Ok, so let’s get serious!




It IS mind over matter!!!!!


What does that mean? Well, you need to find a strong emotional hook, either moving toward a benefit or away from a loss.


Moving toward a benefit:

  • I want to like the way I look
  • I know that my health and therefore my life will be better
  • I can make it social (classes, bowling, sports)
  • I want to look good for my family
  • I can prevent diabetes, possibly Alzheimer’s, and other obesity related conditions
  • My favorite – a patient who lost 20 pounds because “my daughter is getting married in two months and I have to fit into the dress!”


Moving away from a loss:

  • I’m tired of being sick and tired
  • The opposite of one of the above – I DON’T want to get diabetes, Alzheimer’s. etc.
  • I don’t want to keep buying new clothes
  • If I don’t, my body will continue to hurt and get even worse and maybe beyond repair.
  • My favorite – a patient, when asked how he runs in every type of weather, said, “I had a heart attack and my doctor said that if I don’t exercise, I’ll die.”







I hear you say, “Ok, ok, but I don’t have time.”




Here are my suggestions for each of the above, for every age, condition, schedule.


Please make sure to get your doctor’s permission if you have any ongoing conditions.


7 Minutes:


Download the Scientific 7 Minute Workout – it requires no equipment, covers all the major muscle groups, is safe, has instructions, a warm up and a cool down should you choose, and the tag line is “The best part? After 7 minutes, you’re done!”

  1. If you are older, haven’t exercised in a while, do the exercises SLOWLY and stop if you feel discomfort and wait for the next exercise. They are in 30 second segments. I can also show you variations on the exercises if they are too strenuous.
  2. If you have no time for the gym, a class, a walk, a bike ride, etc. just do the 7 Minute Workout as your “something is better than nothing” mantra.
  3. If you are motivated, you can even repeat it and do another 7 Minute Workout!


3 Minutes:


This is a variation on the 7 Minute Workout focusing on some aerobics and the major muscle groups in 30 second intervals.


30 seconds aerobics – gotta get that heart beating faster! Do regular jumping jacks or seated jumping jacks by just moving your arms or do seated or standing air punches rapidly.


30 seconds – wall sit


30 seconds – pushups either on the floor or against a wall.


30 seconds – planks or crunches


30 seconds – for the ever important upper back and shoulder blades that hold our stress – while seated, head upright, hold on to your chair, pull your shoulder blades together and hold. Do it gently without too much force.


30 seconds – finish with more aerobics as described above


  1. If you are older, haven’t exercised in a while, you may not be able to do the above for 30 seconds each. That’s ok! Do it for 10-15 seconds and build up to 30 seconds.


1 Minute: Come on, admit it, you scrolled down to this first!

The latest research has shown that 1 minute of intense exercise has great value.


Of course, they are a bit misleading! It’s actually a two minute warm up, followed by 20 seconds of intense work, followed by one minute of easy work and repeat two more times for a total of 1 minute of intense exercise.


For those of you who haven’t exercised in, oh, forever, and belong to the “I don’t want to,” “I hate exercise,” “I’m lazy,” fan club, START SLOWLY!


Do 20 seconds of jumping jacks, 20 seconds of wall sits, 20 seconds of wall pushups and YOU’RE DONE!


You can do this anywhere (ok, not while you’re driving!) but, in all seriousness, at home, at work, (just not during meetings!).


And, because it’s ONLY ONE MINUTE, you can do this a few times during the day.  (You still take bathroom breaks, coffee breaks, lunch breaks, don’t you?)


The best part? Not only will you feel better and have more energy, but you’ll make everyone around you feel guilty! They may even join you.





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