Labor Day 2016
Back to school/back to work/back to routine
(do we have to?)
I hope that everyone had a good summer. It went too fast, didn’t it? (It usually does!)
What does good health mean to you?
Do you want:
- To take care of that nagging pain that doesn’t seem to go away? (5 dangerous words…maybe it will go away!)
- More energy?
- Better sleep?
- Better performance at sports?
- Better performance at work, or even just being able to work?
- Better relationships with family and friends? (pain=cranky!)
Whatever your reason, let me help
- Nerves control everything
- Pinched nerves= pain, poor or diminished health
- “Unpinch” the nerves and let your body heal and get healthy
At your next visit I will:
- Discuss YOUR goals
- Recommend the appropriate treatment plan
- Recommend stretches and exercises
- Review daily activities
- Review home care strategies.
Some of these can be found on my website:
Please see the website for blog posts and as a way to introduce new patients to the office and chiropractic.
To your health and happiness,